Tenor auditions
This page contains all the information you need to apply for the Tenor position in The Swingles.
Please note:
The submission form will be open for applications from
the evening of the 16th October
What you will need to apply:
The application form is at the bottom of this page.
You will be asked for:
Your name & contact info
A recent headshot/photo
A short cover paragraph (<300 characters.)
An up-to-date CV including relevant musical & business experience/skills.
Social media links (optional)
4 short recordings (information below)
Recording Information:The audio files do not need to be high quality.
A phone recording is absolutely fine, as long as we can hear you clearly.
For the recordings that use backing tracks, please ensure you are clearly audible over the track.
When recording yourself on your phone, we suggest you use a separate device/laptop/phone to play the track you are singing along to.
We really want to hear your natural voice rather than something that has been mixed or produced.
Recordings that have been tuned, or heavily produced will be discarded. Please ensure your recordings are an accurate representation.
Naming Your Files
Please ensure your files are clearly named as follows:
Your Name - Song Title
Jon Smith - Little Organ Fugue.mp3
Application materials & Information
Please record all of the following:
Song Choice
Please submit an unedited, unaccompanied, non-classical song of your choosing that best showcases the type of singer you are. No longer than a minute or so.
Go Your Own Way
Please sing the JS line.
You should record yourself singing along to the track called Go Your Own Way Cue and Backing. Make sure your voice can be heard clearly over the backing.
There are other materials in the folder to assist with the learning.
Please start at the pick-up to letter C with the lyrics “Tell me why” and stop after finishing the word “day” in bar 68.
As you’ll hear from the vocal example, Jon takes liberties with the solo in the verse. You are welcome to do the rhythms exactly as written or to imitate Jon, or sing your own phrasing. When it gets to the chorus in letter D, we are looking for a contemporary pop, belted sound, without vibrato.
Leaving Again / In the Wee Small Hours
Please sing the Tenor 2 line marked ‘Your Line’.
You should record yourself singing along to the track called Leaving Again Wee Small Hours Cue and Backing. Make sure your voice can be heard clearly over the backing.
There are other materials in the folder to assist with the learning.
As you’ll hear from the Vocal Example file, this is sung with a breathy, speechy tone with no vibrato. Although you’re singing to a click, try to match the phrasing, vowels, and dynamics of the quartet in the vocal example.
Little Organ Fugue
Please sing the T2 line marked ‘Your Line’.
You should record yourself a cappella/unaccompanied.
There are materials in the folder to assist with the learning.
As you’ll hear from the Vocal Example file, this is sung with no vibrato, a soft airy tone and to a vowel that rhymes with the French word ‘bal’. The consonants should be extremely soft - no hard ‘b’ or ‘d’ sounds and each note should have a slight bounce and decay. Please go with the tempo indicated in the score and learning examples.
You can download all the sheet music, audio recordings, & learning tracks below.
Please note:
The submission form will be open for applications from
the evening of the 16th October
We aim to notify all applicants by 20th November.
Live auditions are run like a rehearsal. All repertoire and information will be sent to relevant applicants if/when they are selected for an in-person audition.
Yes. If you have extra requirements, please email swingle.auditions@gmail.com with further information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.