
You Don't Speak for Me - New Single!

You Don't Speak for Me – new single out today!

The Swingles are proud to present our new single You Don't Speak for Me, the first track released from our all-original EP The View From In Here (out 12 November).

Written by Ed with lead vocals by Jon, the message of the song is that we can't know what someone else may have experienced or what it might be like to walk in their shoes, and that sometimes it's best just to listen and try to learn.
It's a clapback at the people who insist that misogyny isn't a problem, that racism doesn't exist, or that discrimination isn't real.
For the visuals we decided to enlist the help of several friends and colleagues of different ages, religions, sexual orientations, nationalities, races and genders. We were so grateful that they were willing to help us out. You can find all their names at the end of the video.

ReleasesJamie Wright